Back to School
Back to School Drive
Each year the Consortium collects school supplies for various schools and non-profits in Belize. In addition to monetary contributions for the purchase of supplies and to cover shipping costs, all school supplies donations are welcome, including backpacks, pencils, rulers and crayons. We don’t want to leave any kids behind, teachers and counselors who know their students and know their needs, can make sure those kids have everything they need to be successful in the classroom.
Our recipient partners in Belize includes: Ebenezer Primary School, Hattieville Government School, LadyVille Public Library, the Kriol Council, Gales Point Government School, YWCA.
Donate to the Back to School Program
Donating is easy, click on the Donation Button to us a credit card via PayPal or complete the online donation form. We are a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.